In Faringe train yard some old petrol tanks are being scrapped. The tanks are safely moved between tracks and scrap pit with The Overhead Crane. The crane is handled with care, by experienced personnel, any mistake can be fatal when handling the huge tanks. The crane driver is overlooking the site from his cubicle, while one of his crew quickly climbs down the ladder after finishing a scheduled winch motor service.



The idea of creating a Traverse / Overhead Crane came from my dad. I had never done something with so many parts in 1:87 scale which was a fun challenge, would it be possible to assemble in the end? After rethinking the design a few times this was the result. I also have a version with more details but in the end I settled for the easier to print version.

My dad had some requests a long the way where he thought more details were needed, like a winch and motor in the house, chair and control panel in the cubicle.


The overhead crane stands on included tracks and it is slightly difficult to get the crane to stand nicely unless you glue either the track in place or glue the crane to the tracks.


The cubicle comes in different versions and multiple parts to make it easier to add windows and people. One version is printed as one part, except for the chair and part of the floor which is separate. The floor with chair can be removed later in case the person inside needs to be reposed.

In the second version, the front is a separate part, to make it even easier to attach windows and posing people inside. It requires gluing the parts together however.


There are two versions of the frame, one with supports and one one without. It's not that easy to print the supports in PLA, it's possible but it probably looks better to use some other material like my dad did in the picture above. There are holes prepared for adding four frame hooks, the hooks are not included but easily created from thin wire.

The big hook, holding the frame, comes either as one or two parts. I would recommend the two part version since it makes it simple to attach a wire/thread to the hook.


List of parts

You can find all parts for download on (Link to the Overhead Crane). If something is missing or you would like a small change of some part, contact me and I'll see what I can do!

