Updates of all work in progress projects. Currently ongoing projects are a fridge, Toyota Truck, minecraft mobs, droids, pandas, baking stuff, carousel, a second floor to the Bakery dollhouse…and some more stuff.


Feedback is appreciated so please send an email to enelyalonde@gmail.com or contact me on Thingiverse / Prusa Prints if you have new ideas, improvement suggestions or just want to talk 3D printing.


This classic Maine Holland 32 lobster boat in 1:87 scale is now ready for a test print! Maine Holland 32

I have always have a special fondness for boats so but this is the first time I try dare to create one since it is a bit tricky to create the hull. I found the hull tricky since it should have angles in all orientations (see picture). Maine Holland 32

At least in Onshape the sweep command usually handles angles in two directions, but to handle three I had to use loft and the design became a bit tricker. I hope to add a tutorial for boat hulls later in case anyone else have the same issue as I did.


In our local community association we have several old houses and also old tractors and other museum items. I created a miniature of the old beauty below on request to use as a gift when the community association turned 70 years old. Portable engine

The picture taken by BISON (my dad) is unfortunately a bit dark but I will write more about this portable engine in the future.


The yard bins were much more fun to create than I thought they'd be! So here comes a second versions :) Yard bin

It is missing trash thought…I wonder how easy that is to add in 1:87 H0 scale? :)


Next ongoing design for Miniprints is a yard bin. It's amazing how even a yard bin is a quite fun design to create and what how it turned out when it's tiny :) Yard bin

Next version will have a slanted top.


There hasn't been any updates here in a long while and a lot has happened since last time.

Toyota truck

The first Toyota truck is finally done! The Landcrusier Ute J40 design is exclusive for MRT Scale Prints.


A new version of the truck is on it's way. The new model will have a flat back instead. I also hope to add some props. Toyota

Alien abduction game

This is a really fun game and a lot of the ideas in it came from my kids and their father, so it's a family project. The UFO floats seemingly freely in the air with help of magnets. I have already added it to Prusa Prints but will soon add it also to Thingiverse and write a bit more here on how it was created.

My son and daughter stars in the video below. Sound makes the video somewhat more fun :)

Outdoor table

I created the outdoor furniture set below for Miniprints Outdoor furniture set

This set was quite interesting to design since I didn't know how to bend the back rods around the seat. In the end I ended up using Onshapes wrap functionality. Outdoor furniture set

  1. Create a cylindrical face by extruding part of a circle edge
  2. Create a sketch and then wrap the sketch around the cylindrical face
  3. Sweep a circle along the lines in the wrapped sketch

Maybe there are easier ways to do this but this was the method I came up with and it worked nicely for this design.


The fridge is finally printed, painted and uploaded to Thingiverse and to Prusa Prints! Read more about this design at blog post Fridge Fridge


The grocery Shopping cart is done and turned out nicely on the first try! The carts in the picture below are printed by miniprints . Shopping cart printed

This design is exclusive for miniprints .


New fridge wares created and printed! I just need to paint them and then upload them. Fridge

When it comes to freezer props I am unusually uninspired, I haven't managed to come up with what to add there…maybe some fish? My son wants us to create ice by using resin, maybe that will be it…but then we need to create a mold etc etc, seems like a lot of work.


My daughter want's a unicorn flotie which we think is slightly too big to transport. Since she hasn't gotten one irl she wished for one for her Sylvanian Families instead! Unicorn

2021-07-26 update: The unicorn is currently in the printer. I hope my daughter will not be too disappointed with that it will be less shiny than a real flotie. Maybe I can use some gloss on it to make it look slightly better.


miniprints sent me prototypes of my designs! This is the first time I get to see my designs made out of resin and it was impressive! All models are so tiny and look so fragile and yet nothing was broken when it arrived. Dad has now included the prints in his diorama and made a good paint job too. Railbike

Dad joked that "this is dangerous" and "where did the tourists find that rail bike?" :)

In the background of the picture you can see my train class NS 6400 which dad has assembled and painted and placed on the undercarriage. The railway crane is completely 3D printed except for the wheels (and a detail or two that dad added from scraps) and it is now pulled by the NS6400.

Dad has also painted the railway crossing gates and created a hand made signal for them.

I think he is quite satisfied with how it all turned out and i have to say that I am too!


I started on a fridge design for the kids Sylvanian families ages ago but never manage to finish it. Now the design has been updated a bit and I have finally managed to print it! I think it looks rather cute if I may say so :) The hings works like a charm and it will be fun to fill this with wares too. Fridge Fridge

Right now I am experimenting with adding a gloss to a failed print to see if I can get a more glossy look or if it will just enhance any print defects and make it look worse instead. Below is a picture of the printed fridge. Fridge

I will add a silver color to the handles and possibly also gloss all over it if my experiment has a positive result. With some luck I can finally upload something to Thingiverse again soon. I have quite a few things laying around that should have been uploaded ages ago.


A truck has so many small details that makes it a truck, it's hard to ever finish a model. Now I think that the first variant is almost complete though. Since this is an Australian variant a snorkel has been added and also a proper tow bar. There is now also an exhaust pipe but it's barely visible in this picture. Toyota

If this first variant prints nicely there will be a second variant with a more flat back. Also some props in the trunk would be nice, not sure what to add yet so ideas are welcome :)


Another miniprints design on it's way, this time a grocery shopping cart!

I have to admit that I really doubted this design so I made a very rough version in a few minutes and asked miniprints to verify that it is at all possible to print. Grocery shopping cart

I was impressed by the result so it was definitely worth some more effort. This version is now awaiting a test print: Grocery shopping cart

My kids love it and want a bigger version for their Sylvanian families too…not so sure about that but who knows :)


I changed my mind! The rearview mirror is too important to not be included and a couple of very simple gear levels should be there too. Toyota

I will leave the door insides flat thought…unless I change my mind again :)

Now that the truck has come a long way towards being finished it feels like the trunk is quite empty, maybe there should be some props to fill it up?


Finally vacation! It started with a bang, literally, since there was a thunderstorm which came with the worst rain ever seen. It also caused a flooded basement and water dripping from the ceiling! Leaking roof feels like something that doesn't exist these days and came as quite the shock, especially since the last owner of the house changed the roof just a few years back!

In between drying and cleaning the basement and searching for roof problems there is at least some time for 3D designing. First real complete draft of the Toyota is now done! Toyota

I used a road texture from Texture.com and created the driver with MakeHuman. Starting to look pretty ok!

There is also some interior now but it can perhaps be improved a bit. Toyota

It is missing a gear lever, rearview mirror, more details to the doors and so on. However, the truck should be printable too and every extra detail is increasing the risk of a broken print so perhaps I have to stop adding details at some point.

Dad has started sending pictures of the NS6400 and his railway crossing so I will share some of those pictures soon.


Dad pointed out that the wood planks should not be bent along the steel frame so I changed that. Time to print again but I think this is the last update. Railwaycrossing


While doing some yard work I had an idea on how to create tires and had to try it at once and the "Wild Boar" tires were created! Toyota

Now they just need to be attached to something too.


The Toyota truck is coming along nicely. Toyota Toyota

The wheels will be a challenge, I have no idea how to manage to create the track marks yet. Will the track marks even show when printing? I think this is the last obstacle and then it's pretty straight forward after that. Perhaps the interior will prove me wrong thought, I haven't even started looking into that yet. I have to admit that creating a car is far past my comfort zone but I have gotten to use new techniques and learnt a lot this far.


The first railway crossing is now done and it's slightly more slender than the first version below. Dad found a more common design so I altered the original a bit. This new design also enables a full 90 degree angle which is a positive side effect.


The end plank is a little bit too long to make it easy to cut off and adjust for different road widths.

I used a cut of PLA filament part to create a moving joint as usual.


I think the railway crossing is now ready to print. Is it detailed enough or should there be more details? It's ready for a first try at least! Railwaycrossing

Dad has ordered a servo and other parts and is planning on attaching a thread to the level crossing gate weight and then move the crossing gate up and down with an arrangement placed underneath the train diorama table. I really hope this works!

The class NS6400 train is now also in the printer. First try was a fail so I have updated some details and made the first section easier to print. There were also a lot of stringing issues so I lowered the temperature to 200 degrees Celsius.


The Toyota truck has been going far too slow due to the great, almost summer, weather which makes outdoor work more fun than even 3D designing. There might be more time today thought, it looks a bit cloudy and cold compared to earlier in the week. NS6400

I hope to finish the front and roof today The remaining parts should be more straight forward and much faster to design.


Lot's of things going on now but it's still hard to find enough time to actually finish anything.

The rail bike I described below is now available at miniprints ! Miniprints also added people and if you look closely you will see that it's a couple holding hands :) Railbike

Print and picture above is made by miniprints and the link is a direct link to the rail bike in the store.

MRT Scale Prints from Australia asked if I can model a Toyota Land Cruiser FJ45. This is certainly a challenge since I have never designed a car before. This project haven't gotten very far yet but at least parts of the basic shape is starting to be there. NS6400

Dad also made a wish a couple of weeks ago for some help with creating a railway crossing. So far I have only made a first draft. Now I need to understand how dad is planning on connecting it to some kind of pull arrangement before I continue. Railwaycrossing

The fourth project for this week is to print the NS 6400 and the printer is currently loaded with the first part of. I hope that print turns out ok. NS6400


Today I made some further progress on the NS6400 and it might actually be ready for the printer now. I will verify if I missed some details or made any though error with dad first as usual. NS6400 NS6400 NS6400 NS6400

If anyone reading this happens to have a good picture of a NS6400 rooftop I would be very happy to receive such a picture :) I have googled a lot and found some which have a slight overview of the roof but those pictures are taken from a distance and slightly blurry so there has been a lot of guesswork involved. I have also peaked on drawn pictures and photos of other NS6400 models. However I hope this model is at least accurate enough so unless you compare it side to side with the real thing it looks like a NS6400.


Started on a new project for miniprints , a new type of rail bike. This model will require some extra steel rods when assembling so I will not add it to Thingiverse. Since I do not own a resin printer it is quite challenging but fun to create models which someone else has to print and assemble. First draft: Rail bike


I have written here and there about my bike models since the first model was a fail but so unexpectedly got quite popular. I am now quite proud to write that the 1:87 H0 store Miniprints has picked up the design and are selling them as a set of four bikes and bike rack. The set includes one male, woman, kid and kid with support wheel bike. The bike rack is very similar but not exactly the same as the bikerack you can download at Thingiverse.


Set of bikes


There is a lot to do in the backyard now that Spring has arrived. It's certainly good natural exercise after working from home for more than a year due too Corona. At the same time I just want to stay down in the basement doing much more 3D modeling now that the sun brings Spring energy!

I have a "Shelf of Shame" where I store all printed but not completely finished or not yet uploaded models: Shelf of Shame

The "Shaun the Sheep" models are a clay project with the kids but have still gotten a place on the shelf since Shaun himself is still missing.

Then there is the railway crane mentioned in posts below that also needs some minor adjustments and ofc a ton of other models that only got started and never even made it to the printer. I wonder how many almost done 3D printing projects there are, just stuck in someones computer?


The NS Class 6400 hasn't gotten very far yet but at least some progress since last I posted. NS6400

Just one more week until Easter holiday which means a full week of vacation this year. Hopefully the weather will be good so we can spend some time outdoors but some extra time for 3D printing should be available!


Dad has now assembled and painted the railway crane. He also added some working lights to it and it looks quite nice! In the assembly process he had some suggestions on model simplifications to make it easier to assemble. I can also see from his pictures that it looks like he had some problems with getting lids to fit properly. It might be due too that the paint adds a little bit and I just made them too tight because I didn't seem to have the same problem when they were freshly printed. In any case…some minor improvements can be done that is clear.

Dad also added an extra box and an exhaust pipe which he created himself. He also switched out the end part of the crane to one he already had since it came with a pulley which I didn't yet print. Railway crane

All in all the model worked out pretty ok :) I will post more images later, do some minor updates and then upload the model to Thingiverse.


So whats next now that the railway crane hopefully is done? Dad bought a red NS Class 6400 which he planned to put before the railway crane. However, he can't bring himself to repaint it since it is in such nice condition. So, he asked if I can't design one instead. I doubt I will come close to the real model but I can at least give it a try.

Dad sent a few drawings with measurements like this: NS6400

So as a first step I just made som boxes, just as for the railway crane. NS6400

Then the process starts with updating every block with some details: NS6400

After looking at a few pictures I have made some small changes to the design but I will follow the original sketches more or less.

I'm looking forward to the Easter when there might be a little bit more design time available :)


Railway crane Railway crane

Everything is now printed and will be delivered to my dad on Monday for assembly and painting.

I am quite happy with all the moving parts in the crane. It can spin around the base axis, the middle and end part can bend up and down and the end rod can also be moved in and out the end crane part. I didn't think my printer would be able to handle the details or get the parts as durable as they are but once again the Prusa impresses me.

I used ironing on some parts to create an extra smooth surface.

Once my dad has verified the design I can post it on Thingiverse and Prusa Prints.


The Golden Oak table is no published at Prusa Prints. Golden Oak Table


Almost all parts of the Railway Crane is now printed and possible to print even with PLA filament. I have made small adaptations along the way to increase printability, but the end design is very similar to what I had in mind from the beginning. It will be fun to see how the crane looks like painted and if it will be possible to move around on the tracks.


I should really start printing the panda I made last weekend but me and my son started discussing an old idea and my dad just bought a lot of electronic stuff which would be perfect for this design, so I couldn't help but start a little bit on it yesterday evening. It is a ton of work left and to get this to work but…a carousel would be so fun to create! Maybe it can look something like this? (Just a very first draft, haven't added the actual animals for the ride yet) Carousel

The animals should ofc move up and down so I'm thinking of a system where wheels follows a path that goes up and down. Carousel

I have absolutely no idea how a carousel works so this idea might be completely stupid! There are some challenges like how to make the twisted rods, that the animals will be attached to, to move straight up and down since the bar the rods are attached to will have different angles.

In any case this is a fun challenge and I hope both my kids can learn a little bit electronics too. I have a feeling this project will have to wait until the easter vacation at least unfortunately.

As usual there is so little time and so many ideas :) My kids also want's to create a jewelry store, a forge driven by a waterwheel, a mine, something for handling logs, a library, a car, a flying machine, an ice cream stand and so on…s


The platform is now more or less printed, need to clean the parts still, especially the bumpers which are still covered in support. No other part need any support. However as usual there is still some remaining stringing and so on to clean which I haven't done properly just yet.

Railway crane

Next out is the drivers cabin. The front and back part has an angle which makes it tricky but I actually filled them out so that they now have a flat surface towards the print bed. They are so much easier to print and I don't think it ruins the design, rather the opposite.

I tried using ironing on the cabin sides but I haven't figured out the right setting yet for also the details, which I don't iron, gets slightly smudged still. Printing them without ironing actually looks pretty ok too so will see if I want to spend time figuring out a better setting or just be content with what I go.

I tried to print the cabin as one part but I think the quality will be much better when printing all sides separately so will do that for now.


I started printing the railway crane this week and as usual when you start printing you notice some details that need an update to print properly. For instance it will be a little bit hard to glue the sides on and get them in level with the base platform. Now the design is updated with beams sticking out from the platform which are used as guides when you attaching the sides.

I have printed the sides a couple of times now and every time some minor adjustment are added. I have started to use ironing to create an extra flat surface and it works better than expected.

Unfortunately I seem to have lost a part of the side when I saved it's print file so I will need to reprint one more time…last time I hope :)


While waiting for the railway crane parts to print I woke an old design back to life. I find it much easier to draw things which measurements can be calculated than to do more organic and free modeling. So…since I find the free modeling quite hard I have to challenge myself to try it at times.

I created a panda head a while ago which was lacking a body so this morning I tried adding a body. The result is not impressive but with my very limited skills I'm quite happy that it's possible to see what I've tried to create (probably mostly due to the coloring but still..). Panda

I'm not so happy with the arms but I think it is good enough for a first try at making a char. It looks like a chubby happy panda I think at least :).


The bumpers have more details and there is now enough space to attach the train coupling. Railway crane Railway crane Railway crane

The design might finally have come far enough to go through a print trial run. It will be interesting to see if the details will come out good or not.


The kids and me had fun setting up a winter scene now that winter finally is here. Winter play

It started snowing quite heavily so we had to run in pretty quick though.


Both the bunkbed and bedside table is now also uploaded to PrusaPrints! Bedsidetable

(Links to the bunkbed, alarmclock and book are found when following the link above)


It was about time to add some bumpers and something to hold the wheels. I also added a collector shoe holder. Perhaps that part is too specific for the collector shoe that my dad happens to have ready so might remove that before publishing this model. I also made some minor updates to the ventilation panels on the sides of the drivers cabin. Before it was just cylindrical rods but the rounded surface didn't give me a feeling of ventilation so they are now switched to triangle(ish) shaped rods. Railway crane

I think that I now only need to add a way to place the train coupling. Not sure if I should make something specific for coupling I have or make a mode general solution.

After that it's just to start printing. I have tried to print the train parts and they seem possible to print also with PLA even though I would really prefer to use resin for this.

The next step is to print the drivers cabin, not sure if I should print it assembled (without roof) or each side on it's own and then glue it together. The details will probably be better looking on the outside if I print each part but the front and back are not flat so support will be needed to print them and that might make the inside surface look awful. I could ofc split them in two parts but then there is starting to become a lot of glue areas instead and perhaps the angles will be hard to get right…will be an interesting print for sure :)


The Bed and bunk bed is now added to Prusa Prints. Bunk bed

I will publish the bedside table soon at Prusa Prints too.


Continuing on the railway crane. Sides have received a few more details, front has a snow plow blade, the crane has minor updates and there are also a couple of crates for storing chains etc. Railway crane


The Hot Air Balloon remix update is now published!


For 2020 ongoing work see the Ongoing 2020 post.